Friday 20 December 2013

Task 6 [M3]



Verbal Communication
I used verbal communication during my coursework when I asked my teachers to explain the tasks that I needed to do. This was a good way of communication because it was quick way of getting the information that I needed. A disadvantage of this could be if I misinterpreted what was said because then I would have done the wrong thing or struggled to complete the work properly.

Teacher Broadcasting Demonstration
This is when a teacher uses their projector to let students see useful information or documents that can help them complete their work. This is useful because you are able to see relevant information that you may need to complete your work and the teacher is also able to show other people’s work as examples so you can know if you’ve done your work correctly. A disadvantage of this is that it could possibly be inconvenient for a student if they have already done it or know how to do the work because they’ll just have to sit and listen while the teacher shows everyone.

Blogger is a site where you can upload certain documents and pictures. Blogger was helpful during my coursework because I was able to publish my work on it so that my teachers could look at it. I was also able to keep track of the work that I done because all the work that I had completed was on there so I would easily know what needed to be done. A disadvantage of blogger would be that for me at the start it was slightly complicating so I needed someone to explain how to use it.

I didn’t really use Gmail that much to complete my work but if I did I would be able to use it easily because it is very simple and easy to use.

Publishing Images (Screenshots)
For some of the tasks I had to take screenshots of work that I had done and I found this very easy to do. It is very simple as all you have to do is press the print screen button on the keyboard and it will copy exactly what is on the screen. When I done this I just pasted it into the appropriate documents.

Using PowerPoint
I had to use PowerPoint to do many of the tasks and it is very easy and straight forward to use. I had no problems with it at all with it and what made it even more useful is that I could save slides as JPEG images so that I could then publish them on blogger. PowerPoint was so useful that I couldn’t find any disadvantages.

Using Publisher
I had already used publisher before this to do work for other subjects so I was already familiar with the program. It is also another useful program that helped me complete a lot of my work. Just like PowerPoint you can also save it to JPEG images so you can upload it blogger. The only disadvantage of publisher is that sometimes when you want to do certain things it can be a difficult program to use.

Using Google Calendar

I hadn’t used Google Calendar before but I had to use it complete some of the tasks and I didn’t find it too hard to use. It was useful because it helped me complete my work and put important dates and deadlines on my calendar. A disadvantage of it would be that it isn’t very straightforward as I struggled to use it at first.