Wednesday 22 January 2014

Unit 30 - Task 2

Graphic Type
-          Vector
-          Bitmap
-          Or both

File format
-          JPEG
-          GIF
-          PNG
-          Ai
-          PSP
-          PDF

For a brochure it will be best to use both bitmaps and vectors. This is because there will be a combination of both images and text and logos. I would save it as a PDF files so that when I open the file to view it will be exactly the way it’s supposed to be. If I saved it as an image some parts of the document could be moved and it wouldn’t look as precise. PDF files are known for saving all the information properly and precisely.

I would use vectors for the graphics on a school vehicle. This is because it will mostly text and maybe a logo that will be on it. I would save it as an EPS file because it is supposed to be used to save graphic files. I could save it as a JPEG but when I enlarge the image or zoom in it would make the image blurry. JPEG files aren’t supposed to be big file sizes and the graphic that will be going on the school vehicle would be a bigger size than usual because it would need to be high resolution. This is why I think saving it as an EPS file would be more appropriate.

Website graphics, just like a brochure would be both Bitmap and Vector because most websites don’t just have text alone. They have a combination of texts, images and sometimes logos. The file type I would save this as would be a PNG because this type of file supports graphic documents.

1 comment:

  1. www. P2, Well done. Here you have explained the features and limitations of different file formats, drawing conclusions regarding which formats lend themselves to particular graphical products. This is exactly what was asked for.
