Friday 21 March 2014

Task 7 [D2]

JPEG allows you to compress an image file size but when this is done the picture loses its quality and you can see more of the pixels in the image. As you can see from the screenshot the smallest file type has the least quality but it would take the shortest time to load on a web whereas the JPEG with the highest quality takes the longest time to load as it is the biggest files size. Smaller file sizes are used as thumbnails while bigger JPEG are used for things such as posters because the quality on small JPEG files isn’t good enough to be used as a big poster because you would easily be able to see all the pixels. The more you zoom in on a small JPEG file the easier it is to see the pixels but with a high quality larger JPEG file you can zoom in a few times before seeing deterioration of the picture quality. Compressing an image could be useful if you’re uploading a picture to the internet on a slow internet speed so it would load a lot quicker.

Colour Depth

With GIF files you can add and take away the colour depth to a picture. As you can see from the screenshot I have the original picture in the top left and in the top right picture I only have a colour depth of 8 and you can see this clearly because there are a lot less colours that the original image. By changing the colour depth to 8 it has made the file size smaller and used a lot fewer colours in the process to do this. The picture in the bottom right is the picture with the highest colour depth and you can see that it is similar to the original. This is because it uses all the colours in the original image although this makes the file size bigger.

Image resolution is the detail that an image can hold and the higher the resolution means the more detail. If I made the image resolution smaller it wouldn't be able to hold as much detail but this means that it would load a lot quicker on a webpage even with a slow internet connection. It would also be a much smaller files size but if I change the resolution to 300 it would allow the image to hold more detail which is more suitable for a print out so it would be a lot clearer.

Monday 17 March 2014

Task 7 [D1]

Describe and evaluate the ongoing developments in these printing/output techniques:

1. Vinyl cutters and laser cutters for signage.

Vinyl cutters cut images out of vinyl and are usually used for advertising on the side of a van. Laser cutters are used in small businesses and in most schools. Although laser cutters are expensive they aren’t as expensive as vinyl cutters. Developments on laser and vinyl cutters are things such as smoother graphics so that companies can have better advertising designs and logos to put on their vehicles. A problem with printing out huge vinyls is that the picture or the graphics that you are printing out have to be high resolution so that they're good quality when they are put onto a van.

2. Inkjet & wide format printing for bitmap displays and posters.

Wide format printers are printers that have a print width between 17” and 100”. Wide format printers are used to print banners and posters. Inkjet printers aren’t used for this because they can’t produce large pieces of print. Wide format printers are good for printing posters because of their good quality and they are able to tell the difference between text and images so they will be printed out correctly. These types of printers use a roll of print rather than using individual sheets. They are known for their high speed as they can print at high speed while still printing out good quality graphics. They are usually used for outdoor graphics like building graphics and billboards because most things can be washed off of it without ruining the graphics on the poster.

3. Laser printers for leaflets and flyers.

Laser printing allows high quality text and graphics to be printed on paper. Laser printing allows high-speed printing and the printers are relatively light weight and compact so they don’t take up too much space. Although laser printers have many advantages they can cost a lot because you will have to keep replacing the ink. Also when it is printing out, it can sometimes still be wet meaning you have to wait for it to dry or you could even smudge the printing by accident. 

4. 3D Printing

The development of 3d printing has been a huge success as they allow us to do a number of different things and also help us to do other things a lot quicker and better. 3D printers allow us to fully print 3D graphics at high speed which allows people to print almost anything that they want with ease as long as they have a design. With the development of 3D printing, manual prototyping is no longer needed so it will be easier and lot quicker for companies to make products. To be able to print in 3D you would need to have 3D software such as Cimatron so that you can create the graphics that you want to be printed out.

Friday 7 March 2014

Task 6 [P6]

Using and editing graphics can be very useful most of the time but sometimes it can cause problems. When taking pictures from Google you may end up taking a copyrighted image without knowing and add it to your work. Even though you still edit the graphics and change it a bit it is still illegal as it is a copyrighted. Copyright is a law that gives the owner of a written document, song, book, picture or any other work the right to decide what people can do with it. If you wanted to use it for anything you would have to get permission from the owner to be able to use it and usually you will have to pay money to be able to do this. So when taking random pictures from Google you have to be careful in case it is copyright protected so you avoid getting sued for using someone else’s work without permission.

Trademark is a way for a business to help people identify the products that the business makes from products that are made by another company. A trademark can be a name, word, phrase, symbol, logo, design, or picture but it can only be used by the business that owns the trademark. An example of this would be Nike. The swoosh logo that is used on their products has been trademarked. Intellectual Property rights include copyrights, trademarks and patents.

Intellectual Property’ refers to the ownership of an idea by the person that came up with it. It gives a person exclusive rights to a distinct type of creative design which means that no one else can copy or reuse their work without the owners permission.