Friday 7 March 2014

Task 6 [P6]

Using and editing graphics can be very useful most of the time but sometimes it can cause problems. When taking pictures from Google you may end up taking a copyrighted image without knowing and add it to your work. Even though you still edit the graphics and change it a bit it is still illegal as it is a copyrighted. Copyright is a law that gives the owner of a written document, song, book, picture or any other work the right to decide what people can do with it. If you wanted to use it for anything you would have to get permission from the owner to be able to use it and usually you will have to pay money to be able to do this. So when taking random pictures from Google you have to be careful in case it is copyright protected so you avoid getting sued for using someone else’s work without permission.

Trademark is a way for a business to help people identify the products that the business makes from products that are made by another company. A trademark can be a name, word, phrase, symbol, logo, design, or picture but it can only be used by the business that owns the trademark. An example of this would be Nike. The swoosh logo that is used on their products has been trademarked. Intellectual Property rights include copyrights, trademarks and patents.

Intellectual Property’ refers to the ownership of an idea by the person that came up with it. It gives a person exclusive rights to a distinct type of creative design which means that no one else can copy or reuse their work without the owners permission.

1 comment:

  1. www: your P6 post does explain the potential legal implications of using and editing graphical images. You have also added some relevant examples, well done Gabriel.
