Tuesday 13 January 2015

Unit 43 | Task 1 - P1

1 comment:

  1. www: you have made a post here.
    ebi: this is not what I am looking for at all. This should be a description of the media types you will have in your product. What are your business requirements? etc.

    Produce a Blogger entry to show your understanding of the different types of media that could be used in the creation of the product. Reference should be made to how the media will meet the organisation's objectives and how the media is fit for purpose in terms of meeting the needs of the intended audience. A good range of different audience types should be included.

    Multimedia: types eg sound, animation, still and moving images
    Business requirements: target audience; purpose; platform
    Business objectives: promotion and advertising eg web pages, digital posters, virtual tours; education and training eg simulations, e-learning packages; entertainment and leisure eg computer games, virtual reality
    Audience: profiles eg age, gender, culture, race, class, business, interests, IT literacy
