Friday 19 December 2014


The purpose of the database that I designed was to store information on all members of a cinema club. I also had to be able to register people when they entered their information unless they were under 15 meaning they weren't allowed to register.

The database had three tables which included a members table, films table and a reviews table. All these tables contained information that was relevant for example the members table would have a list of the members’ name, address etc.

One of the features that I added to the database was an age restriction. This made sure that people who were under the age of 15 couldn't register for the club. I did this by running a macro so a warning message would come up telling them they are unable to register because of their age. I also added in another feature that didn't allow members to create accounts if they didn't complete all the fields in the form. If they didn't complete the form a message would show up telling them they had to complete the form in order to continue.

To improve the database I would add a feature that would allow me to filter results so I can find them all easily. For example if I was searching for a certain member it would be easier to find his details by entering his name into a search bar instead of just scrolling through. Another way I could improve the database is to add a feature that would you to see when payments have been made and how much has been paid. It would also be helpful if you could see who has missed payments as well so you could get in contact with the user and address the problem.

I think the database is fairly simple but it works and stores all the information of all the users safely and more effectively than on paper. It has basic functions but all these functions work properly and allow all the information to be maintained.

Monday 16 June 2014

Unit 2.2 - M3 & D2

I used NovaBench to find out information about the MacBook Pro (2009). According to NovaBench this Mac has a low RAM so it’s score was a lot lower than recent Macs that have been released. As the RAM was low the MacBook Pro only had a score of 108 which could be improved if it had a bigger RAM which would also help speed it up as well.

Most MacBooks have very good graphics cards which makes the quality of the graphics a lot better. On NovaBench it had a score of 518 which is quite good so there isn’t really a need to get a new graphics card.

The MacBook had a hardware of 4GB which isn’t very large. This means that the memory will get used up and start to slow the Mac down so it is recommended to get larger hardware so that more work can be saved on it and also so it won’t slow the computer down because not all of the memory will be used if its size is improved.

Unit 2.2 - Task 6b [M2]

Unit 2 – M2

When it comes to security Macs are a lot more stable than PC’s and are a lot less vulnerable to viruses. On a PC you usually have to download different antivirus software but with a Mac it comes with the operating system meaning you don’t need to download or buy any other software to protect it.

Although a problem with Macs is that not all software can be installed onto it because of the operating system it uses whereas most software can be downloaded onto a PC. This problem could be solved by downloading software that will enable you to download windows programmes onto the Mac.

Macs are a lot more expensive than PC’s but when you look at what you get with a Mac the price can be justified. Macs last longer over time because you don’t have to worry about them getting viruses and won’t have to spend money to repair them whereas with a PC you could expect to have to pay some money to repair it because the security on windows isn’t as good as the Macs.

The presentation on the Mac is a lot better as well. It can be quite confusing at first but once you get used to it you will see that it is actually very well presented and is easy to use. Macs also have a lot of shortcuts on the keyboard as well. Overall I think that the Mac is a lot better because it offers a lot more to the user and is also a lot more reliable than the PC.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Unit 2.2 - Task 4 [P8]

Witness statement
Learner name
Gabriel Abe
BTEC National 1st certificate in IT
Unit number and title
Unit 2.2 computer systems.

Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)
Using the computer system provided, carry out the following routine maintenance:
       Create a file structure under user as follows
A folder labelled with your name and within this folder create 3 folders labelled Home, Work and Study
       Configure the operating system to perform the following:
       back-up procedures
       automatic scheduling and deletion of unwanted data
       deleting temporary files
       Cleaning keyboard, mouse, display screen of the computer provided
       replacing consumables printer paper in the printer provided
·         replacing the damaged mouse

Assessment and grading criteria
Task 4. Undertake routine maintenance tasks on a standalone computer system. P8

How the activity meets the requirements of the assessment and grading criteria, including how and where the activity took place
I witnessed Gabriel do all the tasks that he was supposed to do and he was able to do all of them without any problems.

Witness name
Macauley Mcbride
Job role

Witness signature
M. Mcbride

Assessor name
Phil Wilkinson

Assessor signature

Friday 6 June 2014

Unit 2.2 - Task 3 [P7]

Expected Outcome
Actual Outcome
Software applications open work as intended
When I click on the applications they should take a few seconds to load and then open the software.
Once clicked on the application should open within a few seconds.
When clicked on the application opened as it should.
Default folder settings are correct
When I save a document it should save to the appropriate place as long as the default folder settings are correct.
When I go to save my work I expect it to open the correct folder so I can see where I am saving the file to.
When I saved my work it was saved to the right place and also in the correct folder.
Desktop shortcuts go to the right place
You select the item that you want to create a shortcut then you right hand click it and select create shortcut.
I expected the shortcut to appear on the desktop with ease as soon as I created the shortcut.
When I created the shortcut it appeared on my desktop and it was linked to the correct program as well.
The correct device drivers are installed
When I connect a device the correct drivers should be set up for it so that I can use the device.
I expect the computer to start installing the device as soon as I plug it in.
The right device drivers were installed so I was then able to use the device.
The correct paper sizes are set for printing
When I am going to print a document I go to printer properties and make sure that the paper size is set to A4.
I expected the correct printer size for the paper to already be set.
The printer properties were already set so the paper size was already set to A4.
Menu options work as intended
When I open a document more options should be displayed so that they can help me use the program.
All the options should be displayed as normal once I open the document.
When I opened the document all of the options were displayed.
The correct date and time are set
The correct date and time should already be set so I shouldn’t have to make any changes.
When I check the time and date I expect them to already be set.
The time and date were already set so I didn’t need to make any changes to it.

Unit 2 feedback so far.

www: this post does illustrate and explain the purpose of operating systems. P2 achieved

www. You have shown that you are able to compare the features and functions of different operating systems. M1 achieved.

www: this witness statement proves that you have set up a standalone computer system, installing hardware and software components. P5 achieved.

www: this witness statement proves that you have configured a computer system to meet user needs. P6 achieved

ebi. You now add P7 and P8, M2, M3 and D2

Thursday 22 May 2014

Unit 2.2 - Task 2 [P6]

Witness statement
Learner name
Gabriel Abe
BTEC National 1st certificate in IT
Unit number and title
Unit 2.2 computer systems.
Set up and maintain a computer system

Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)
Task 2 (P6)
Using the computer system provided:
Change the icon size to large
Change the font size to large
colour/background to red

Assessment and grading criteria
P6.configure a computer system to meet user needs

For P6, learners must configure some basic system settings, such as left and right mouse buttons, powersaving options, screen resolution, desktop theme, font size, default language setting, default folder locations etc.

How the activity meets the requirements of the assessment and grading criteria, including how and where the activity took place
Gabriel was able to change both the font size and the icon size to large. I also witnessed him change the background to red.

Witness name
Macauley Mcbride
Job role

Witness signature
M Mcbride

Assessor name
Phil Wilkinson

Assessor signature

Monday 19 May 2014

Unit 2.2 - Task 1 [P5]

Witness statement
Learner name
Gabriel Abe
BTEC National 1st certificate in IT
Unit number and title
Unit 2.2 computer systems.
P5 set up a standalone computer system, installing hardware and software components [SM3]

Description of activity undertaken (please be as specific as possible)
After making a successful start in your role as an IT trainer for the IT Support Department of RS Components, you have been have been asked to prepare training material of a more advanced and practical kind.
Before you are allowed to do this you are required to prove your abilities in hardware and software upgrades.

Date achieved
Connect a monitor to a computer
Connect a keyboard to a computer
Connect a mouse to a computer
Demonstrate where the graphics card is installed
Install MS Office 2003
Install MS security essentials
Create a user account
Configure system software, application software and documents

Assessment and grading criteria
P5 set up a standalone computer system, installing hardware and software components [SM3]

For P5, learners must install at least one hardware and one software component in a stand-alone system.
This is best evidenced with a witness statement or observation record and screen shots. Learners must use suitable safety equipment/tools and pay due regard to health and safety issues.

How the activity meets the requirements of the assessment and grading criteria,
including how and where the activity took place
I witnessed Gabriel create a user account and install microsoft office 2003. He was also able to connect the keyboard, mouse and monitor to the computer. He configured the system software and also installed the device driver for the printer.

Witness name
 Macauley Mcbride
Job role

Witness signature
M. Mcbride

Assessor name
Phil  Wilkinson

Assessor signature