Monday 16 June 2014

Unit 2.2 - M3 & D2

I used NovaBench to find out information about the MacBook Pro (2009). According to NovaBench this Mac has a low RAM so it’s score was a lot lower than recent Macs that have been released. As the RAM was low the MacBook Pro only had a score of 108 which could be improved if it had a bigger RAM which would also help speed it up as well.

Most MacBooks have very good graphics cards which makes the quality of the graphics a lot better. On NovaBench it had a score of 518 which is quite good so there isn’t really a need to get a new graphics card.

The MacBook had a hardware of 4GB which isn’t very large. This means that the memory will get used up and start to slow the Mac down so it is recommended to get larger hardware so that more work can be saved on it and also so it won’t slow the computer down because not all of the memory will be used if its size is improved.

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