Monday 16 June 2014

Unit 2.2 - Task 6b [M2]

Unit 2 – M2

When it comes to security Macs are a lot more stable than PC’s and are a lot less vulnerable to viruses. On a PC you usually have to download different antivirus software but with a Mac it comes with the operating system meaning you don’t need to download or buy any other software to protect it.

Although a problem with Macs is that not all software can be installed onto it because of the operating system it uses whereas most software can be downloaded onto a PC. This problem could be solved by downloading software that will enable you to download windows programmes onto the Mac.

Macs are a lot more expensive than PC’s but when you look at what you get with a Mac the price can be justified. Macs last longer over time because you don’t have to worry about them getting viruses and won’t have to spend money to repair them whereas with a PC you could expect to have to pay some money to repair it because the security on windows isn’t as good as the Macs.

The presentation on the Mac is a lot better as well. It can be quite confusing at first but once you get used to it you will see that it is actually very well presented and is easy to use. Macs also have a lot of shortcuts on the keyboard as well. Overall I think that the Mac is a lot better because it offers a lot more to the user and is also a lot more reliable than the PC.

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